Mar 25, 2017

RMK pastels

RMK makeup review

Every year I hang on to my winter coats dearly and secretly hope that spring never comes. I know it sounds weird, but hear this. I have a thing for coats and have many of them. Spring always comes before I get to wear every one of them out of my closet then soon after my birthday arrives. (Am I the only one who dreads birthdays, by the way?) But, this year for some reason I can't wait till spring is here! I've been playing with the RMK pastel colors a lot lately thinking these will look nice with those frilly dresses and blouses with puffy sleeves which seem to be very much in this spring (yup, I got those, too). 

These are not exactly from a new spring collection (the prettily illustrated palette is actually from a holiday collection and some of them are from the RMK core offerings), but you can easily see why I relate these colors with the new season.

RMK Color Performance Eyes 01 (available here)
RMK Color Performance Eyes 01

RMK Color Performance Eyes 01 swatch

RMK Color Performance Eyes 01 swatch

RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10 (similar here)
RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10

RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10 swatch

RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10 swatch

(In case you're wondering if these two baby blues are the same)
RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10 swatch

RMK Ingenious Powder Eyes N EX-10 swatch
(They aren't but all beautiful.)

RMK Christmas Make Up Palette 2015
RMK Christmas Make Up Palette 2015
(So adorable, right?)

RMK Christmas Make Up Palette 2015 swatch
(I actually wore the green on the St. Patrick's day weekend.)

RMK Christmas Make Up Palette 2015 swatch

RMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX-10 (available here)
RMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX-10 swatch

RMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX-10 swatch
(This has to be the most unique color in my blush collection. Love it.)

RMK Crayon Eyes 05
RMK Crayon Eyes 05
(This crayon goes on velvety smooth and makes a great base although the swatch below suggests otherwise.)

RMK Ingenious Powder Cheeks N EX-10 swatch

Unlike the olden days, I do not wear pastels often anymore but am still very happy to have them in my collection. The color is vivid yet sheer and the texture is beautiful. They stay true all day and the shimmer never looks too much. In fact, my heart is so content that I won't look for better pastels (at least for a while). Everything was gifted from my friend Pauline, by the way (thanks again!).

Hopefully, I will have a few spring looks with these fresh colors to show you soon. Today I just wanted to do a quick swatch post before it's another two weeks between blogging. I have been quite busy with work and also working on a couple of soundtracks. One is my all time favorite party aria and the other one is kind of new to me (here in this aria, Bellezza (Beauty) declares that she is going to forswear pleasure and open her heart to God, which I'm pretty sure is not what God wants from us. Another superb Hendel oratorio aria, though). You can listen to them here

Wish you a great weekend!

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