Jun 26, 2015


(Sorry, this FOTD is out of focus. But I like it, so)

I will tell you right here. I would have never picked up KLENSPOP Pinky Grey for myself. They are bigger (although not huge) in diameter than the ones I usually reach for, and the designs are on the artificial and more dramatic side.
Apparently the blogging gods wanted me to try them anyway because I was sent these by KLENSPOP recently. Then I fell in love with them. Totally unintended.

This time the shipping was even faster taking only 7 days to arrive. Again, everything was packaged impeccably.

Diameter: 14.3mm
Graphic Diameter: 14mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.8mm
Life Span: 1 year (Max)
Country of origin: South Korea

The outer rims are more of a dark purple, and the inner patterns are very delicate and complex to say the least. I am not into "noticeable" designs like these any more, but I find the gold/khaki flecks and strokes are so gorgeous nonetheless.

Stunning, isn't it?
(Yes, I am a Star Wars fan.)

Turns out I don't really need to amp up my eye makeup with Pinky Grey.
Here I just put on grey kajal on my lid space and blended it out with some shimmery pale gold pigment followed by mascara. Easy peasy.

Pinky Grey is actually made of a new material called "silicone hydrogel". It is a hybrid of hard contacts and soft contacts that supposedly is so much better for the eyes. It retains water more efficiently and lets oxygen penetrate better. Plus it provides the UV protection. (I found this article on the web, FYI.)
I didn't know what to expect but they just feel like soft contacts to me, but the comfort level is simply... OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Really, it isn't like anything I've experienced. I also ordered some daily contacts from KLESNPOP this time, and to my surprise, Pinky Grey feels even more comfortable than my dailies. Can you imagine? The price (about twice of regular soft circle/color lenses') is well worth it if you ask me. I am so impressed with the comfort level (to the point where I forget I'm wearing them) that I plan to upgrade all my lenses to silicone hydrogel in the near future.

Maybe we are meant to have irises like these on this earth. I mean, sometimes. ;)

*The products are provided by the brand for the review purposes.*

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