Nov 5, 2012

Luster and Glam from Fragments

Browsing the Fragments site was a much pleasurable yet unexpected experience for me.
I have passed by the brick and mortar showroom of Fragments in SoHo, but I did not know they had this fine website for more private viewings as well.
Fragments is a New York based company founded by Janet Goldman in 1984, much like a well-curated gallery for both fine & fashion jewelry.

My idea of a perfect piece of jewelry is to let one's character and charm shine through without exaggerating or overwhelmed by it.
It could be either a shy luster from moonstone or glamorous sparkles from diamonds as long as it is "you".
I often feel that we do not have many options in that sense although there are so many jewelry pieces out there in the market.
I was quite impressed with the variety of the jewelry that Fragments offers while it maintains the unique feel of the niche collections.

Here are some of the many pieces that I fancy from Fragments.

These luxurious earrings are from their fine jewelry lines and absolutely out of the price range that I can afford, but I couldn't help but choosing them as my favorite.
I actually like all of the earrings by this designer. 
It seems to me that she has captured the natural beauty of the precious stones in the most luxurious way.
You can see the entire collection here as well as the personal bits about the designer, which I really like about the site. :)

While I was browsing "rich", this rather opulent imperial ring caught my eye as well. 

You might think that Fragments only offers fine luxury items, but they also have a wide selection of more affordable jewelry.

This is my other favorite.
I have a thing for jewelry with rounded facets and soft lustrous shines.
It seems this designer is all about it as well, and I could find a whole rainbow of the similar design in both earrings and necklaces.

Some more gorgeousness for your viewing pleasures...

I hope you have enjoyed my picks from Fragments. :)
This is a bit single directional since I have strong tendency to choose soft lustrous pieces over sparkles, but you can see the wide variety of different jewelry with equally wide price range on

I would love to visit the showroom in the near future since now I know more about their jewelry lines. It would be nice to see these lovely items in person.
However, they do offer online shopping option with free ground shipping as well.

Thanks for reading!

This is an advertorial post sponsored by Fragments.

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