Feb 8, 2014

Nail Polish Comparison - Four Shades Of Grey

I am pretty sure you can acquire all fifty nail polishes with different grey hues if you want..
I only have four.
(Some might say "what, you have FOUR grey nail polishes?", but I would calmly repeat, "it's ONLY four.")

Subtle difference of colors and undertones in makeup always fascinates me, and I believe this is why we all have tens of different taupe eyeshadows and pink blushes.
Plus now we all have these evolved super-eyes that can distinguish all the color differences in the world, right? ;)

Grey nail polishes
(L to R)
Zoya Dove
Zoya Harley
Essie Chinchilly
Essie Playa Del Platinum

I suppose I have more but I decided to exclude the ones with equal parts of brown and grey - aka "taupe", because that should deserve a dedicated post on its own.
I am astounded to see how different each color looks and even not-so-grey in the picture because, they all look plain grey in real life even to the "normal" people's eyes.

Zoya Dove is a lovely creme grey with neutral undertones. It looks particularly pretty on longish nails.
Zoya Harley is a grey with lavender shimmer and perfect for spring.
Essie Chinchilly is a medium grey with purple undertones. Interesting it shows up more purple on my nails than on others.
Essie Playa Del Platinum is a pale grey with green undertone, which reminds me of linen and breezy summer day.

I do love grey nail polishes and think the color is perfectly transitional between seasons, but I have always wondered if I have too many similar shades in my polish stash.
Now I can clearly see that is not the case and breathe easy with lesser guilt.

(Taupe, I am not so sure about, so let me get on with it soon and we will find out! :))

Do you like grey nail polishes?
Which one is your favorite?

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